Facial Aesthetics

Facial Aesthetics seeks the balance between the aesthetic and functional relationship of the smile and the patient’s face.
Before performing a facial aesthetic procedure, an evaluation of the facial structures, smile and dental arches is performed, in addition to the patient’s main concerns. With all this information, Dr. Núria Sobrinos elaborates a personalized plan which under certain circumstances, includes dental and facial treatments


Intra-oral surgical technique in which the fat of the cheeks, totally or partially, called Bichat Balls, is removed. It’s a functional and aesthetical procedure recomended for people with rounder faces or who bite the cheek frequently. After the surgery, the face becomes thinner and delineated with the definitive result within 90 days. The people with excess of cheek, suffer of bigger flaccidity because the Bichat’s balls tend to detach down during the aging process, forming the antithetical “ bulldog’s cheeks “

Chemical peeling

Aesthetic treatment in which acid is applied to the skin to remove the damage layers and stimulate the growth of healthy skin, renewed and without pigmentation


Treatment performed by injection of low reticulation hyaluronic acid in the dermis producing a deep hydration and stimulation in the production of collagen. It can be performed on the face, neck, breast, hands and lips

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Platelet Rich Plasma / Fibrin Rich Plasma

Skin rejuvenation procedure from natural blood growth factors. This treatment stimulates the production of new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid present in our skin. This procedure is also used in dental medicine, in our implant surgery treatments to help the formation of the bone matrix in the connective tissue, bone graft, periodontal and maxillofacial surgeries

What are the differences between PRF and PRP?

The main difference is in the way blood is prepared – PRP uses other synthesized substances, while PRF uses only the patient’s blood.

Regarding the effects, they are quite similar: they stimulate the production of the patient’s cells and proteins, such as collagen.

Plasma rico em fibrina

Facial Mesotherapy

Also called intradermotherapy is a technique of French origin widely used in aesthetics because it is a very effective minimally invasive procedure. This technique has several indications and can be used in facial, body and even capillary treatments. It is able to promote the burning of localized fat, combat cellulite and flaccidity, induce the formation of collagen and treat stains

Enzimatic Jowl lipo treatment

(without cuts and pain) is possible through the use of micro injections of enzymes, which when applied throughout the region can levar the face free of the unwanted jowl. These micro injections break the fat cells around the neck, completely eliminating the area known as double chin. Before, the alternatives were limited to liposuction or face and neck lifting

Nuraesthetics Clinica - rosto
Nuraesthetics Clinic - rosto

Facial Wires

PDO threads are biostimulators of collagen, implanted above the face muscles, improving the quality of the skin and minimizing deep grooves. They are divided into: PDO spiculated, where there is moderate traction, and smooth PDO gives the stimulation of dermal collagen.
This rejuvenating process is only completed after about 6 months, when microscopic “fibroses” are formed around the threads, which become true pillars of support of the face tissue.
Non-surgical techniques aim at repositioning the tissues with ptosis of the face and among them, the use of reabsorbable Sustentation Yarns stands out. It is one of the most modern and efficient alternatives to achieve this goal, aiming to reposition and sustain the greasy cushions in their original locations, thus bringing youthfulness.
Double Needle and Sillhoette are used, where the results are observed at the time of application

Lip Lift

Lip Lift is the surgery of the perioral region that aims to shorten the space between the vermilion of the upper lip and nasal columella, exposing and leaving the smile more apparent.

Nuraesthetics Clinic - LipLift
Nuraesthetics Clinic - filler-compressor

Facial Fillers

Facial fillers are biocompatible substances with modeling components, which penetrate into a deep layer of the skin, decreasing the marks of facial expressions and returning volume to the patient’s face.

The success of the treatment with the fillers depends on the quality, quantity and also, the application plan. The goal is always to obtain natural results, in order to enhance one’s own beauty, and can be accomplished in stages. The areas commonly treated with these substances are: dark circles, lip, chin, nose and facial contour.

Benefits of Facial Fillers

The main goal is to repair and improve the facial contour.

In this way, through the applications, it is possible to give more symmetry to the face, reduce sequelae of disorders, bringing a natural result, in order to enhance its own beauty.

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 There are several types of fillers of short and medium duration available in the market, among them, the most safe and used:
Hyaluronic Acid which is a gel based on glycosaminoglycans that fills the volume deficits on the face in regions such as dark circles, lips, nasogenian groove (Chinese mustache), nose, malar, jaw, zygomas and deep acne scars. It can also be used to support and define facial structures, such as the MD Codes method.
The Calcium Hydroxyapatite (Radiesse), is a filling that can be performed in several areas and for various purposes, such as: structure to the face, give volume to the fat compartments that have lost their content over time or even fill small wrinkles. It also acts as a collagen stimulator and its durability is around 2 years.

Botulinic Protein

The botulinum toxin, popularly known as Botox, is loved by men and women who want to fight the dreaded wrinkles, but the benefits of its application can go far beyond aesthetics.
The toxin is applied in the muscle and its effect promotes a temporary relaxation in the place. Thus, the muscle stops making movements, which prevents a dynamic wrinkle from becoming a static wrinkle.
Popularly called botox, it can have many other utilities, besides fighting expression marks, the toxin can also be used in health treatments.
Botox is indicated in cases of bruxism, TMJ, gummy smile, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and even for the reduction of headaches in people with migraine attacks. In cases of chronic migraine, it causes relief of the muscle part significantly reducing headaches.

Nuraesthetics Clinic - botox

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